Saturday, September 5, 2020

Computer Fundamentals





A. Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is not a System Software?

(a) Operating System    

(b) DBMS

(c) Antivirus       

(d) Development tools

2. Which of the following is a translator?

(a) BASIC             

(b) C++

(c) Interpreter

(d) HTML

3. Which of the following is an example of a System Software?

(a) Assembler


(c) student record software

(d) Payroll Software.

4. The base of decimal number is:

(a) 10    

(b) 2      



5.            Which of the following are binary numbers?

(a) 0,1   

(b) 1,2  

(c)           0,2         

(d)          None of these

6.            The binary equivalent of decimal number 15 is:

(a) 1111               

(b) 1110               


(d)          None of these


Fill in the blanks.

1.            Computer can work continuously without creating any errors or faults.                   .

2.            Insurance companies keep all     records                 up to date with the help of computers.

3.            Some examples of system software are  assembler, translators, interpreters.       

4.            Each generation has been discussed in detail along with its time period, characteristics, etc.

5.            An operating system is a program that acts as an interface between the user

and computer hardware.

6.            Personal Computers are generally prepared by computer manufactures.

7.            A Compiler is a program that translates a high-level language into low level language code.



C. State True or False.


1.            Computers are used in business organizations for-Payroll, Calculation, Budgeting, Sales Analysis, etc. - True

2.            An operating system is a program that acts as an interface between the software and the computer hardware. - True

3.            Assembly language is a low-level programming language in which a mnemonic is used to represent each of the machine language instructions. - True

4.            A translator that translates and entire program written in high level language into its equivalent machine code. - True

5.            A computer language means, a set of rules and symbols used to operate a computer. - True

6.            A computer language means, a set of rules and symbols used to operate a computer. – True



D. Answer in one or two words.

1.            What was the period of first generation?        

Ans: 1946-1959


2.            What were used in second generation?

Ans:  Transistors


3.            What were the assembly language and high-level programming languages?

Ans: An assembly language consists of a set of symbols and letters and requires translation to machine language. A high-level language is a programming language that uses English and mathematical symbols in its instructions.


4.            What is used in fifth generation computer?



5.            How many types of software? Name them.

Ans: Two Types: - System Software, Application Software


6.            Which cannot retain object code?

Ans: Interpreter


E. Answer the following questions.


1.            What are the advantages and disadvantages of computer?

Ans: Advantage:

1.       Primary advantage is speed and accuracy.

2.       Multi-tasking performs different function at a time.

3.       Store huge amount of data.


1.Computer makes our mind lazy.           

2. It need software backups.

3. Failure can lead to great loss of data.


2.            Give the applications of computer?



Computers are used in education sector through online classes, online examinations, referring e-books, online tutoring, etc. They help in increased use of audio-visual aids in the education field.



Nowadays, computers are totally integrated into business. The main objective of business is transaction processing, which involves transactions with suppliers, employees or customers. Computers can make these transactions easy and accurate. People can analyze investments, sales, expenses, markets and other aspects of business using computers.


Medical Field

Computers are used in hospitals to maintain a database of patients’ history, diagnosis, X-rays, live monitoring of patients, etc. Surgeons nowadays use robotic surgical devices to perform delicate operations, and conduct surgeries remotely.


3.            What are translators? Explain the different types of translators.

Ans: A translator, in software programming terms, is a generic term that could refer to a compiler, assembler, or interpreter; anything that converts higher level code into another high-level code (e.g., Basic, C++, Fortran, Java) or lower-level (i.e., a language that the processor can understand), such as assembly language or machine code.

Assembler: Convert used Mnemonic code in assembly language in machine code.

Compiler: Convert high level source code to low level language.

Interpreter: Convert high level source code to low level language line by line.


4.            Differentiate between Application software and system software?            


System Software: System Software is the type of software which is the interface between application software and system. Some examples of system software’s are Operating system, compiler, assembler, debugger, driver, etc.

Application Software: Application Software is the type of software which runs as per user request. It runs on the platform which is provide by system software. examples of application software’s are word processor, web browser, media player, etc.


5.            Differentiate between Compiler and Interpreter.






It takes an entire program at a time.

It takes a single line of code or instruction at a time.


It generates intermediate object code.

It does not produce any intermediate object code.

Working mechanism

The compilation is done before execution.

Compilation and execution take place simultaneously.


Comparatively faster



Memory requirement is more due to the creation of object code.

It requires less memory as it does not create intermediate object code.


Display all errors after compilation, all at the same time.

Displays error of each line one by one.

Error detection


Easier comparatively

Pertaining Programming languages

C, C++, C#, Scala, typescript uses compiler.

PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby uses an interpreter.


6.            Differentiate between Hardware and Software?

Ans: Computer hardware is any physical device used in or with your machine, whereas software is a collection of programming code installed on your computer's hard drive. hardware refers to physical components of a computer while the software refers to a set of instructions given to a computer to perform a certain task. Hardware refers to the tangible and physical components of the computer.  CPU, motherboard, mouse, keyboard, printer, and monitor are some hardware components. On the other hand, software is a set of instructions to perform a specific task. The software should be loaded into hardware to perform a task.


7.            Explain all the generations of computers. Give the advantages of High-Level language.


There are five generations of computers.




1946-1959 is the period of first generation computer.

J.P.Eckert and J.W.Mauchy invented the first successful electronic computer called ENIAC, ENIAC stands for “Electronic Numeric Integrated And Calculator”.

Few Examples are:








1.       It made use of vacuum tubes which are the only electronic component available during those days.

2.       These computers could calculate in milliseconds.


1.       These were very big in size, weight was about 30 tones.

2.       These computers were based on vacuum tubes.

3.       These computers were very costly.

4.       It could store only a small amount of information due to the presence of magnetic drums.




1959-1965 is the period of second-generation computer. Second generation computers were based on Transistor instead of vacuum tubes.

Few Examples are:

Honeywell 400

IBM 7094

CDC 1604

CDC 3600




1.       Due to the presence of transistors instead of vacuum tubes, the size of electron component decreased. This resulted in reducing the size of a computer as compared to first generation computers.

2.       Less energy and not produce as much heat as the first generation.

3.       Assembly language and punch cards were used for input.

4.       Low cost than first generation computers.

5.       Better speed, calculate data in microseconds.

6.       Better portability as compared to first generation


1.       A cooling system was required.

2.       Constant maintenance was required.

3.       Only used for specific purposes.




1965-1971 is the period of third generation computer.

These computers were based on Integrated circuits.

IC was invented by Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby In 1958-1959.

IC was a single component containing number of transistors.

Few Examples are:



ICL 2900

IBM 360

IBM 370



1.       These computers were cheaper as compared to second-generation computers.

2.       They were fast and reliable.

3.       Use of IC in the computer provides the small size of the computer.

4.       IC not only reduce the size of the computer but it also improves the performance of the computer as compared to previous computers.

5.       This generation of computers has big storage capacity.

6.       Instead of punch cards, mouse and keyboard are used for input.

7.       They used an operating system for better resource management and used the concept of time-sharing and multiple programming.

8.       These computers reduce the computational time from microseconds to nanoseconds.


1.       IC chips are difficult to maintain.

2.       The highly sophisticated technology required for the manufacturing of IC chips.

3.       Air conditioning is required.




1971-1980 is the period of fourth generation computer.

This technology is based on Microprocessor.

A microprocessor is used in a computer for any logical and arithmetic function to be performed in any program.

Graphics User Interface (GUI) technology was exploited to offer more comfort to users.

Few Examples are:

IBM 4341

DEC 10

STAR 1000

PUP 11


1.       Fastest in computation and size get reduced as compared to the previous generation of computer.

2.       Heat generated is negligible.

3.       Small in size as compared to previous generation computers.

4.       Less maintenance is required.

5.       All types of high-level language can be used in this type of computers.


1.       The Microprocessor design and fabrication are very complex.

2.       Air conditioning is required in many cases due to the presence of ICs.

3.       Advance technology is required to make the ICs.




The period of the fifth generation in 1980-onwards.

This generation is based on artificial intelligence.

The aim of the fifth generation is to make a device which could respond to natural language input and are capable of learning and self-organization.

This generation is based on ULSI(Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology resulting in the production of microprocessor chips having ten million electronic component.

Few Examples are:








1.       It is more reliable and works faster.

2.       It is available in different sizes and unique features.

3.       It provides computers with more user-friendly interfaces with multimedia features.


1.       They need very low-level languages.

2.       They may make the human brains dull and doomed.


Advantage of high-level language:

The main advantage of high-level languages over low-level languages is that they are easier to read, write, and maintain. Ultimately, programs written in a high-level language must be translated into machine language by a compiler or interpreter.



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