Wednesday, October 21, 2020

CBSE IT 402 Solution Sample Paper 2020-2021 Class 10

CBSE IT-402 Sample question Paper 2020-2021 Class 10



Max. Time: 2 Hours                                         Max. Marks: 50

General Instructions:

1. Please read the instructions carefully.

2. This Question Paper consists of 21 questions in two sections: Section A & Section B.

3. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective type questions.

4. Out of the given (05 + 16 =) 21 questions, you have to answer (5 + 10 =) 15 questions in the allotted (maximum) time of 2 hours.

5. All questions of a particular part/section must be attempted in the correct order.


i. Each question carries 1 mark.

ii. There is no negative marking.


i. This section has 16 questions in three parts viz. Part A, Part B & Part C.

ii. A candidate has to do 10 questions (3 questions from Part A, 4 questions from Part B and 3 questions from Part C).

iii. Part A has 05 questions on Employability Skills. Do any 03 questions. Answer these questions in 20 – 30 words each. Each question carries 2 marks. (2 x 3 = 6 Marks)

iv. Part B has 06 subject specific questions. Do any 04 questions. Answer these questions in 20 – 30 words each. Each question carries 2 marks. (2 x 4 = 8 Marks)

v. Part C has 05 subject specific questions. Do any 03 questions. Answer these questions in 50-80 words each. Each question carries 4 marks. (4 x 3 = 12 Marks)

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Q. 1

Answer any 4 of the given 6 questions (1 x 4 = 4 marks)

i.Karan lives at a hostel in Shimla. He calls his mother who lives in Delhi, to get her approval for robotics class which is going to start in his school next week onwards. However due to disruption in the phone line, his mother could not understand and reply to him. He got very upset. Which other medium can he use to get immediate approval of his mother?

a) E-mail 

b) Letter 

c) Message through Friend 

d) Fax

ii.Trisha is always tensed during exam time. She is a sincere and studious student, but the thought of exams creates anxiety in her. Which stress management technique that you would suggest to help her?

a) Yoga 

b) Exercise 

c) Vacation with Family 

d) All of these

iii.______________ Ability of a person to do the things that need to be done without someone or something influencing us.

a) Self-Motivation 

b) Self Awareness 

c) Self Discipline

d) Self-Regulation

iv.According to the concept of sustainable development, the environment and development are _________issues.

a) Inseparable 

b) Separate 

c) Independent 

d) None of these

v.The cleaning of software installed in the computer cannot be achieved by ____________.

a) Disk cleanup 

b) backup

c) Cleaning CPU cabinet 

d) Installing antivirus software

vi.Entrepreneurship has a crucial role in the ____________ of the society.

a) Evolution 

b) Planning 

c) Functioning 

d) None of these

Q. 2Answer any 5 of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i_______________ is not an instant messaging service.

a) Skype 

b) Yahoo! Messenger 

c) Firefox 

d) Whatsapp

ii______ is the process of emptying a place in case of an emergency, disaster.

a) Accident 

b) Evacuation 

c) Hazards 

d) Exiting

iii.Richard needs to set up a network for his office where he wants to save all the data in a centralized system and other computers will take the services from the centralized system. Which architecture will be the best suitable for him?

a) Peer to Peer 

b) Client-Server 

c) Point to Point 

d) Ring

iv.Á _________ is a device that converts digital computer signals into a form (analog signals) that can travel over phone lines and vice versa.

a) Repeater 

b) Switch 

c) Router 

d) Modem

v.__________is specifically designed to minimize or maximize the result according to a set of rules that you define in a spreadsheet.

a) Goal Seek 

b) Scenario 

c) Solver 

d) Subtotal

vi.Mr. Venkat wants to insert his company logo at the top of every page in his long document. Which option will you suggest to him to fulfill his task?

a) Header 

b) Footer 

c) Margin 

d) Headings

Q. 3Answer any 5 of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i.Krishna wants to make a flowchart for his programs in a Word document. Which option should he use to accomplish this task efficiently?

a) Shapes 

b) Symbols 

c) Pictures 

d) All of these

ii.Fatima has inserted a picture in a document. But she wants to cut off a part of the picture. Which option she should use to accomplish the task?

a) Cut 

b) Copy 

c) Crop 

d) Layout

iii.The intersection point between a row and column is called _______.

a) Row 

b) Column 

c) Table 

d) Cell

iv.Amrita is celebrating her 14th birthday. She wants to invite her friends and family members for the party. Which feature will she use to send the same invite to a number of people with different addresses without typing it again and again?

a) Mail Merge 

b) Letter wizard 

c) Document Type 

d) None of these

v.A ____ is a model that you use to create other documents.

a) Styles 

b) template 

c) Wizard 

d) Sample

vi.Formulas in a Spreadsheet must begin with a __________ sign.

a) $ 

b) @ 

c) # 

d) =

Q. 4Answer any 5 of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i___________ is a tool to test “what-if” questions.

a) Scenario 

b) Solver 

c) Macro 

d) Average

ii.To write a mathematical expression, choose the Equation option from the _________tab in a Spreadsheet.

a) Home 

b) Insert 

c) Data 

d) Review

iii.Hyperlink option is available in ____________ group of Insert tab in a Spreadsheets.

a) Illustrations 

b) Add-Ins 

c) Links 

d) Filter

iv.______________ uses the keyboard as a pointing device instead of a mouse.

a) Mouse Key 

b) Toggle key 

c) Filter key 

d) Sticky key

v.Krish and Kritika have done a survey of age wise literacy rates of their locality as a school project, which they have created in a Spreadsheet. They both want to work simultaneously to complete it on time. Which option they should use to access the same Spreadsheet to speed up their work.

a) Consolidate Workbook 

b) Share Workbook

c) Link Workbook 

d) Combine Workbook

vi.___________ database is a type of database that stores data in several tables.

a) Flat 

b) Relational 

c) both (a) and (b) 

c) None of them

Q. 5Answer any 5 of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i.In database _________ helps us to retrieve the filtered data based upon some conditions.

a) Forms 

b) Reports 

c) Queries 

d) Table

ii.A table can have multiple ___________ keys.

a) Candidate key 

b) Alternate key 

c) Primary key 

d) both (a) and (b)

iii.Which one is not a DML type of command?

a) insert into 

b) delete 

c) update 

d) alter table

iv.A _____ is one which connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area such as home, school, computer laboratory, office building, or closely positioned group of buildings.

a) LAN 

b) WAN 

c) MAN 

d) PAN

v.Ishita wants to create a query from the scratch. Suggest her the option to accomplish the task.

a) Datasheet View 

b) Form View 

c) Design View 

d) Layout View

vi._____________ data type takes the values in the form of 0 and 1.

a) Integer 

b) Text 

c) Boolean 

d) Memo



Answer any 3 of the given 5 questions (2 x 3 = 6 marks)

Q. 6Communication skills are very important for any business. Explain any two elements of a communication process.                                                                    2

Q. 7Mention any two misconceptions about the Entrepreneurship.                        2

Q. 8Goal setting is a very essential factor in your personal life. List all the SMART methods to set the goals. Explain ‘A’ in brief.                                                        2

Q. 9What are the measures to increase the performance of a computer system?    2

Q. 10How can an individual contribute towards Sustainable Development Goals?    2


Answer any 4 of the given 6 questions (2 x 4 = 8 marks)

Q. 11What is the need to create reference between the multiple worksheets of a workbook? Give an example.                                                                                    2

Q. 12What is the utility of text wrapping in a document?                                    2

Q. 13What is the use of Macros in a Spreadsheet?                                        2

Q. 14Write any two advantages of online shopping.                                        2

Q. 15Differentiate between Primary key and Foreign key.                                2

Q. 16Define the following Hot spots:-


b) Wi-Fi                                                                                    2


Answer any 3 of the given 5 questions (4 x 3 = 12 marks)

Q. 17Elaborate four different types of indentation which can be provided in a Word Processor. 4

Q. 18Define the following:

a) Goal Seek

b) Consolidating Data                                                                            4

Q. 19What precautions must be taken to improve online security?                            4

Q. 20List any two advantages and disadvantages of DBMS.                                4

Q. 21a) Create the following table items.                                            2+2

a) Consider the following table Item and write the queries (i) and (ii).

i. Write a command to insert a new record with the following values :

(66, ‘Gel’, 150, 70).

ii. Write a query to display all the record of table Item whose price is in the range of 100 and 300.


Write a query to display all the records of a table in descending order of quantity.


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Networking Magical windows-5


Exercise Solution

A.            Tick (P) the correct alternative :

1.            LAN stands for :

(a)          Local Area Network   

(b)         Star Topology

(c)          Wide Area Network      

(d)         Internet

2.            In batch processing jobs are served on the basis of:

(a)          FIFO     

(b)         LIFO

(c)          Request              

(d)         None of these


B.            Write T' for true and 'F' for false statement:

1.            Network makes a system fast. - True

2.            CPU allocates an equal amount of time to all the users in time sharing system. - True

3.            Multiprocessing can be done only on multiprocessor system. - True

4.            In Star Topology, the whole network collapses, if server collapses. - True

5.            A Real Time system does not response within the required time. – False


C.            Fill in the blanks :

1.            A computer can be connected to others via       cable  or             satellite.

2.            Modem is used to convert digital signal into      analog                and vice versa.

3.            Batch Mode is suitable only when processing of data is required in batches.

4.            CPU is the heart             of computer.

5.            Indian Railway Reservation System is the example of  real time system.


D.            Answer the following questions:


1.            How does data travel in LAN?

Ans:  In LAN network data is travelled via an independent wire or telephone wire.


2.            What is a Computer Network?

Ans; when more than one computer is connected together and interact with each other via cabl or satellite they form a computer network.


3.            What are the advantages of Networking?


1)     Resources like printer, modem and hard disk can be share across network.

2)     Data and information are always available on the net.

3)     Messages are broadcast very quickly to all user connected with net.

4)     Ideas can be shared on the net as and when required to solve a problem among users.


4.            How does data travel from one computer to another in WAN?

Ans:  First digital data is converted into analog form by MODEM after which analog signal is travelled to different geographical location using telephone wire or satellite. After reaching destination it than convert analog to digital and information is used by target computer.

5.            Describe the Network Topologies.

Ans: The different way in which computers are connected to each other through Net is called Topology.

1. Bus Topology: All the nodes and server are connected on a single bus.

2. Star topology: All computers are connected to the main computer via independent wire or cable.

3. Ring Topology: All nodes and servers are connected in such a fashion that they make a structure of a ring.

Algorithm and Flowchart Magical Windows-5

 Algorithm and flowchart

Exercise Solution

A. Tick (P) the correct alternative:

1. It is a pictorial representation of formal instructions to perform a task :

 (a)      Algorithm                  

(b)       Flowchart

(c)       Program                    

(d)       Software

 2.                                are used to show :                           

(a)       Flow of instructions           

(b)       Input / Output

(c)       Start of flowchart

(d)       End of flowchart

3.                     symbol is used as a :                        

(a)       Decision box             

(b)       Process box

(c)       Connector                 

(d)       Output box


4. Sometimes when a process needs to be repeated again and again it can be put in a :

(a)       Decision box

(b)       Flowchart

(c)       Loop

(d)       Output box


B. Write 'T’ for true and 'F' for false statement:

1.         Flowcharts begin with stop. - False

2.         Flowcharts generally follows top to bottom or left to right approach. - True

3.         Connectors are used to connect two symbols of flowchart. - False

4.         Problems are broken down into smaller steps using flowcharts. - False

p.         The boxes are chosen as per user's wish. – False


C. Fill in the blanks:

1. A flowchart shows the flow of task        or instructions.

2.         Algorithm is a set of formal instruction.   

3. The line shows the            direction in which the flowchart is flowing.

4. Loop is used to repeat     a process again and again.

5.. If alterations are required, the flowchart may require redrawing    completely.

6. Flowcharts generally begin from top to bottom or from  left to right.


D. Answer the following questions:

1.         What do you understand by Flowchart?

Ans:  Flow chart is pictorial representation of problems which are broken down into smaller steps for solving a problem and reaching a solution.


2.         Write down the limitations of using Flowcharts.


        I.            Complex logic: For program logic is quite complicated leads becomes complex and clumsy.

      II.            Alteration and modifications: if alteration is required redesign or re-drawing of flowchart completely.

   III.            Reproduction: flowchart symbols cannot be types, reproduction of flowcharts becomes a problem.

3.         Write what each of these symbols is used for in a flowchart?

Ans: Home work for student. To be done by student.


MS PowerPoint 2007 Magical Windows-5

 MS Power Point 2007

Exercise solution

A. Tick () the correct alternative :

1.            ________                is one of the most powerful tools for creating attractive an

effective presentations.

(a)          MS PowerPoint                             

(b)         Internet

(c)          MS Excel            

(d)         MS Windows

2.            _____      is a presentation software.

(a)          Hardware graphics       

(b)         MS Excel

(c)          MS PowerPoint             

(d)         MS Windows

3.            PowerPoint includes________    different types of views.

(a)          Five      

(b)         Four

(c)          Three 

(d)         Seven

4.            This view fills the computer screen with a slide and is what the audience will s< when they view the presentation :

(a) Normal view             £            

(b)         Slide Sorter view

(c)          Slide Show view

(d)         Notes Page view

5.            This option will leave the WordArt text without a fill color:

(a)          More Fill Colors              

(b)         Textures

(c)          No Fill 

(d)         All of these


B. Write T' for true and 'F' for false statement:

1.            PowerPoint includes five different types of views. - False

2.            The slide show view is used for giving an on screen presentation. - True

3.            The slide sorter view is the default view. - False

4.            PowerPoint is one of the most powerful tools for creating attractive and effective presentations. - True

5.            Slide Sorter view is used for giving an on screen presentation. - False

C. Fill in the blanks :

1.            Power point    offers a variety of ways to create a new presentation.

2.            Normal view, slide sorter view and slide show view  are the three types of

PowerPoint views.

3.            The normal view is the default view.

4.            MS windows    is not a presentation software.

5.            You can use WordArt to create stylized              text that is eye catching and professional.

6.  The slide view commands are located on the left  side of the PowerPoint window in Normal view.


D. Answer the following questions :

1.Name the three types of PowerPoint views.

Ans: normal view, Slide sorter view and Slide show view.


2. What is the difference between Slide Show view and Slide Sorter view?

Ans: Slide show view shows the presentation on full screen for audience and slide sorter view shows small versions of slide where it can be deleted, copied and moved.


3. Define Slide Transition.

Ans: Slide transition insert different effects between two slides.


4. What is the use of WordArt?

Ans: WordArt  allows you to create stylized text with textures, shadows and outlines.


5. Write steps to insert a shape into slides.


1)     Select the insert tab.

2)     Click the shapes command.

3)     Click a shape from the menu.

4)     Move your cursor toward the slide.

5)     Click and hold down the mouse button and drag the cursor until the shape is the desired size.

6)     Release the mouse button to insert the shape.


6.Write steps to apply shape effect.


1)     Select the shape you want to modify. The format tab will appear.

2)     Select the format tab.

3)     Click the shape effects command.

4)     Move your cursor over a menu option and submenu appear.

5)     Move your cursor over submenu to see a live preview of the effect on slide.

6)     Click an option to select the shape effect.

MS Excel 2007 Magical Windows-5

 MS Excel 2007

Exercise Solution

A.Tick (P) the correct alternative :

1. An Excel file is called as :

(a)          Spreadsheet  

(b)         Worksheet

(c)          Document                         

(d)         None of these

2.The basic unit of a spreadsheet is :                                     

(a)          Row     

(b)         Column

(c)          Cell       

(d)         Both (a) and (b)

3. A cell with a dark border around it.                                  

(a)          Cursor 

(b)         Pointer

(c)          Active Cell        

(d)         Column

4.The cell labeled F5 refers to :                                

(a)          Row F column 5             

(b)         Columns

(c)          Column F row 5               

(d)         All of these


B.            Write 'T' for true and ‘F’ for false statement:

1.            A spreadsheet is software for handling and manipulating numbers. - True

2.            An Excel file is called a worksheet. - True


3.            Cell is the basic unit of spreadsheet. - True


4.            A cell is the intersection of a row and    column. - True


5.            In Excel 2007 there are 1,048,576 rows. - True


C.            Define the following terms:

1.            Cell Address       -  It is location of a cell on the worksheet and defined by column letter and row number.


2.            Columns              - Columns are arranged vertically and are named from A to Z .


3.            Worksheet         -  A worksheet is a grid of cells.


4.            Formula bar      - It displays the cell entries and provides the line for working with formulas.


5.            Active cell          - A cell with a dark border around it.


D.            Fill In the blanks:


1.            Microsoft Excel is a member of               MS Office Software.   


2.            Calculations are               error free.


3.            Cell        in MS Excel is the basic unit of spreadsheet.


4.            A worksheet is a grid   of cells.


5.            Formula             entered into a cell begins with an equal = sign.


6.            A spreadsheet               is software for handling and manipulating numbers.


7.            In Business, to track profit        or to store customer and             employee  data.


E.            Answer the following questions:


1.            What     is a spreadsheet?

Ans: It is  software for handling and manipulating numbers.


2.            What     is MS Excel?

Ans: MS Excel is a spreadsheet package and a member of MS Office software.


3.            Write    the advantages of using MS Excel software?


1)     Entering data is faster and easier.

2)     Making changes are easier.

3)     Calculation are error free.


4.            Mention three areas where        MS          Excel     can         be           used as a good computing tool. justify your answer with examples.


1)     In schools, to organize and track fee or marks information.

2)     At home, it can be used to monitor monthly expenses.

3)     In business, to track profit or to store customer and employee data.

5.Name three places where can a spreadsheet be used.

Ans: School, home and business.

6.What is a worksheet?

Ans:  A spreadsheet is a software for handling and manipulating numbers.

7. Write some advantages of using spreadsheet software.


1)     Entering data is faster and easier.

2)     Making changes are easier.

3)     Calculation are error free.