Thursday, September 10, 2020

Networking Magical windows-5


Exercise Solution

A.            Tick (P) the correct alternative :

1.            LAN stands for :

(a)          Local Area Network   

(b)         Star Topology

(c)          Wide Area Network      

(d)         Internet

2.            In batch processing jobs are served on the basis of:

(a)          FIFO     

(b)         LIFO

(c)          Request              

(d)         None of these


B.            Write T' for true and 'F' for false statement:

1.            Network makes a system fast. - True

2.            CPU allocates an equal amount of time to all the users in time sharing system. - True

3.            Multiprocessing can be done only on multiprocessor system. - True

4.            In Star Topology, the whole network collapses, if server collapses. - True

5.            A Real Time system does not response within the required time. – False


C.            Fill in the blanks :

1.            A computer can be connected to others via       cable  or             satellite.

2.            Modem is used to convert digital signal into      analog                and vice versa.

3.            Batch Mode is suitable only when processing of data is required in batches.

4.            CPU is the heart             of computer.

5.            Indian Railway Reservation System is the example of  real time system.


D.            Answer the following questions:


1.            How does data travel in LAN?

Ans:  In LAN network data is travelled via an independent wire or telephone wire.


2.            What is a Computer Network?

Ans; when more than one computer is connected together and interact with each other via cabl or satellite they form a computer network.


3.            What are the advantages of Networking?


1)     Resources like printer, modem and hard disk can be share across network.

2)     Data and information are always available on the net.

3)     Messages are broadcast very quickly to all user connected with net.

4)     Ideas can be shared on the net as and when required to solve a problem among users.


4.            How does data travel from one computer to another in WAN?

Ans:  First digital data is converted into analog form by MODEM after which analog signal is travelled to different geographical location using telephone wire or satellite. After reaching destination it than convert analog to digital and information is used by target computer.

5.            Describe the Network Topologies.

Ans: The different way in which computers are connected to each other through Net is called Topology.

1. Bus Topology: All the nodes and server are connected on a single bus.

2. Star topology: All computers are connected to the main computer via independent wire or cable.

3. Ring Topology: All nodes and servers are connected in such a fashion that they make a structure of a ring.

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