Monday, January 27, 2020

information Technology code 402 CBSE Board practice set


Practice set - 3 for preparation of information Technology CBSE board paper.

Section – A
Attempt any 10 questions (1 mark each)
1- We really enjoyed ourselves on the trip to Manali last month.
2- My house is a spacious two-bedroom flat in Mayur Lok.
3- Sound Sentry is designed to help user with auditory impairments.                                          
4- ISP stands for Internet Service Providers
5- Paragraphs can be used to break continuous text to one or more sentences.
6- Headers can be used for inserting information at the top of each page automatically.
7- On selecting Capitalize Each Word the first character in all the words of the selected sentences will be converted to Capital Letter.
8- Conditional formatting is available under Styles group in home tab.
9- Chat option is available in Charts group under the insert tab.
10- A Calendaring Software provides the user an electronic version of a calendar.
11- Print option is available under File menu.
12- Calendar software allows the user to respond to other users meeting request.

Very short answer type questions (2 marks each). Answer any 5 questions.

13- What do you mean by P2P?
Answer - Networks in which all computers have an equal status are called P2P or peer to peer  networks. Generally in such a network each terminal has an equally competent CPU.
14- What do you understand by Documents Template?
Answer - Templates or document templates refer to a sample fill-in-the-blank document that can help in saving time. Usually templates are customized documents that may have sample content, themes, etc.
For example, if you want to create a resume you can use a resume template and modify only the sections that require changes.
To view sample templates available with your word processor
Go to File > New. You will be displayed with different types of templates
For example, if you would like to create a letter, you can select the Letters option under Templates section.
15- What do you understand by Styles?
Answer - Styles or Style sets are pre-defined or customized options used for creating good looking professional documents with least efforts. You can find a number of styles available within word processor that can be applied to a document. In this exercise, you will learn to apply and manage styles.
To work with styles, open a new word document in word processor, to view list of styles, locate the Style group under Home tab

16- What do you mean by Freeze in Spreadsheet?
Answer - Freezing rows and columns is helpful feature in a spreadsheet. When you are dealing with a huge amount of data that spans several rows or columns, you may want the headers to remain constant (frozen) while you scroll through the data so that you can see the identifying names of the rows/columns.
Open a new spreadsheet. To hide a row or column, do the following:
1. In order to hide any row or column you can either select the particular row or column that is to hidden or just one cell in the corresponding row or column
2. Click on Format option available under Cells group in the Home tab
3. A drop-down list appears as shown below.
4. Click on Hide & Unhide > Hide Rows.

17- How can you insert audio clip in a presentation?
Answer - We can include audio clips to a presentation similar to that of videos. For example, you can play mild background music while making your presentation. In this exercise you will learn how to insert an audio clip in slides.
Open a new file using presentation software. Click on Sound option under Media clips group in the Insert tab, a drop down appears.
You can select the Sound from File option to insert the sound clip. A dialog box appears.
We can locate the audio clip and click OK to insert the same in the slide.

18-What do you mean by grouping object?
Answer - Grouping can help when you want to move, rotate or re-size multiple objects in a presentation. We can group objects such as pictures, clip art, shapes and text box; once grouped they appear as a single object.
To group the objects select the Group option available under Arrange group in the Format tab.

19- What do you understand by Task in Microsoft Outlook?
Answer - Tasks refers to actions that can be performed by an user, tasks may include action items such as booking a conference room, booking tickets, reminder for a task completion itself, etc.
We can create tasks in email calendar application software.
Go to File > New > Task

Short answer type questions (3 marks each). Answer any 5 questions.

20- What do you mean by prepositions ? Write any two examples of prepositions.
Answer - 
Prepositions - A preposition is a word that links a noun and pronoun to other words in a sentence. For example:
1. We went to the market.
2. The market is just around the corner.
3. Many kinds of stores can be found at the market.

21- Define the following
a) Paying guest
b) Landlord
c) Notice
Answer - a) Paying guest - Someone who lives on rent in the owner’s house.
E.g. Paying guest accommodations are easily available these days.
b) Landlord - A man who provides rooms for rent.
E.g. Our landlord allows us to stay out till 10 p.m. only.
c) Notice - A formal announcement that you have to make if you want to move out/ask a tenant to leave.
E.g. The landlord has a simple rule - every tenant must give a month’s notice if they want their security back.

22- Write down the process for inserting Page Break?
Answer - Page and Section breaks can be used to separate a document into sections. If you need another fresh page, choose the page break option in the Page Layout tab.
a) Click on the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon.
b) Click on the option Breaks in the Page Setup group.
c) A drop down list with options for different types of breaks appears. An explanation is given for each type of page or section break.

23- Write short notes on the following
a) Upper Case
b) Sentence Case
c) Strikethrough
Answer - If we are creating a textbook with scientific content, you need to use special formatting for some characters. Character formatting can be applied to a single character or word.
a) Upper Case: - On selecting this option from the dropdown list, the selected text will be converted to Capital Letters (UPPERCASE).
b) Sentence Case: - On selecting this option from the dropdown list, the first character in the first word of the selected sentence will be converted to Capital Letter (Uppercase).
c) Strikethrough: - After selecting the text you need to click the icon abc in the Font group to make a strike through the middle of the selected text.
24- What do you understand by Slide Transition?
25- What do you mean by Speaker Notes?
26- What is RDBMS?

Section – B
Long answer/ Essay type questions (5 marks each). Answer any 3 questions.

27- Write down the process for transferring data on the Internet.
28- Write short notes on the following
a) Web server
b) Dial up
c) WiFi
29- Explain different types of Charts.
30- Write down the steps for creating a tables in Open Office applicaion.
31- What is database server ? Explain Primary and Foreign key.

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