Friday, April 24, 2020

IT code - 402 Spreadsheet Practice Question

Spreadsheet practice question:

1. List any two condition that can be used for conditional formatting in spread sheet.
2.write steps for hide/unhide and freeze of row and column.
3. What is the purpose of apply cell and range names.
4.Explain any five types of charts.
5.Write steps of sorting and filtering of data in spreadsheet.
6. What is autosum.
7. Write steps to share data across spreadsheet/ms-excel.

Download the below attach file and answer the following questions.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Unit -III Word Processing practice question

Q1. What are Headers? 
Q2. Write the steps to insert a header in a document. 
Q3. What are footers? 
Q4. Write the steps to insert footer in a document.
Q5. What are styles? 
Q6. Write the steps to insert styles in a document.
Q7. What do you mean by templates? 
Q8. How templates are beneficial? 
Q9. Explain font face, font size, Grow font, shrink font. 
Q10. Explain superscript, subscript, strike throughout. 
Q11.Explain change case feature in MS Word? 
Q12. What are clip art? 
Q13.List any four website that offer free clip arts. 
Q14. Write the steps to insert a clip art in a document. 
Q15. What is objects in a word processing software?
Q16. What is Text Wrapping? 
Q17. Write a shot note on Apache open office writers. 
Q18. List any five word wrapping option available in word processing software. 
Q19. Write the steps to insert text wrap option in word processor. 
Q20. Write the steps to insert an object. 
Q21. Write the steps to insert shapes in a document. 
Q22. Draw few symbols or character in a document. 
Q23. Write the steps to insert symbols in a word processor. 
Q24. What is Page Layout? 
Q25. What is Text Alignment? 
Q26. What is the default alignment in a word document? 
Q27. What are different types of text alignment in a word processor? 
Q28. What is the meaning of Indent in a word processor? 
Q29. What is the difference between a page break and a section break in MS word? 
Q30. Write the steps to use breaks in a document? 
Q31. Write different option available in page break and in Section Break. 
Q32. Write a sort note on section break 
Q33. What is conditional formatting in a spreadsheet? 
Q34. What do you mean by OLE? Differentiate between Embedded objects and Linking Objects.